Organizational Development

Give u a department that isn’t running well and I know how to help you to fix it. Often, my clients will tell me “ It isn’t working and I’m not sure why”. That’s music to my ears. My team and I have a reliable process that hasn’t failed us yet.

  • Diagnose and assess. We’ll go back and look at what you have already done. No sense in doing what’s been tried before. We’ll look at your structure, reporting relationships, work processes, decision-making, communication
  • Consult with leadership and staff. It’s important that we hear all perspectives. We don’t do change to people, we do change with people
  • Synthesize and analyze. We don’t make any recommendations until we triangulate all the data. We’re looking for confirmation from multiple data sources.
  • Recommendations and plan of action. We move from analysis to action. Our recommendations reflect the organization’s values, principles, goals, and realities (constraints?) Our plan of action needs to reflect the ability of the organization to implement it. Our plans take into account organizational capacity to implement change.
Organizational Development

Do not edit.

Leadership Assessment

We believe that all leadership development must be evidence-based.  If you don’t know what you are focused on and why, then you cannot develop programs and initiatives to help leaders evolve and grow.  We administer Hogan Assessments.   Hogan is based on the Five Factor Model of Personality and is statistically reliable, valid and predictive.  This is followed by a two-hour behavioural interview in which we will probe into the leader’s career, goals, values and motivation.  We develop a leadership assessment report with development recommendations.

Team Performance

Any organization’s success is determined by the quality of the communication, decision-making and creativity of its teams.   Team relationships are at the heart of team performance.  We are experts at helping teams understand their purpose, how to make effective decisions, manage the diversity of personalities, and how to run an effective meeting.

Talent Strategies

We understand how to get the best out of your staff and we want our clients to understand that too.  Our sweet spot is engagement, accountability, performance and structure.  The optimization of these four components takes you from adequate to excellent.  It makes you an employer of choice and one with fantastic recruitment and retention numbers.